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#  Stations, dates, lats, lons, casts and bots for BLOOMER 
#  2009
#  date ingested into BCO-DMO: September 30, 2009
# #################################
# ########
# ######################################################
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
62        CTD_cast                  19        1         20070815       2236      23.184    -159.061  4821        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.2      22       
5           6.3      21       
25          25.6     20       
25          26.1     19       
45          45.0     18       
45          43.7     17       
75          74.5     16       
75          77.0     15       
100         99.4     14       
100         101.3    13       
125         125.8    12       
125         126.5    11       
150         150.0    10       
150         151.5    9        
175         175.7    8        
175         176.5    7        
200         200.5    6        
200         201      5        
300         303      4        
500         502.7    3        
750         756.5    2        
1000        1007.5   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
63        cyanocage_optics_cast     19        nd        20070816       0000      23.185    -159.061  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
64        trace_metals_cast         19        nd        20070816       0055      23.167    -159.061  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
65        trace_metals_cast         19        nd        20070816       0127      23.167    -159.061  nd          surface                              
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
66        CTD_cast                  19        2         20070816       0239      23.185    -159.061  4822        deep_cast                            
depth       press    bot      
1000        1009.32  24       
2000        2022.21  23       
2000        2021.29  22       
2000        2021.24  21       
2000        2020.16  20       
2000        2019.46  19       
2000        2019.19  18       
2000        2020.48  17       
2500        2527.86  16       
3000        3037.09  15       
3000        3037.27  14       
3000        3036.98  13       
3000        3038.03  12       
3000        3038.07  11       
3000        3035.62  10       
3000        3036.11  9        
3500        3548.27  8        
4000        4062.62  7        
4000        4061.49  6        
4000        4062.48  5        
4000        4061.68  4        
4000        4061.83  3        
4000        4061.11  2        
4000        4062.34  1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
67        net_tow                   19        nd        20070816       0305      23.185    -159.061  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
68        CTD_cast                  19        3         20070816       0645      23.185    -159.061  4821        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.72     24       
5           7.87     23       
10          12.16    22       
10          12.39    21       
25          24.31    20       
25          24.57    19       
45          45.81    18       
45          46.28    17       
55          55.84    16       
60          60.77    15       
75          75.86    14       
75          75.67    13       
85          86.65    12       
100         100.95   11       
100         101.24   10       
125         126.16   9        
125         125.30   8        
150         150.15   7        
150         149.39   6        
175         175.88   5        
175         175.16   4        
200         200.25   3        
250         250.61   2        
300         302.50   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
69        CTD_cast                  19        4         20070816       0825      23.186    -159.061  4822        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           8.93     24       
5           7.52     23       
25          25.08    22       
25          25.41    21       
45          45.48    20       
45          44.73    19       
45          45.44    18       
45          44.92    17       
45          44.68    16       
55          55.15    15       
75          75.84    14       
75          75.23    13       
100         100.24   12       
100         100.54   11       
100         102.53   10       
125         125.72   9        
125         126.62   8        
125         126.48   7        
150         150.86   6        
175         175.29   5        
200         200.14   4        
300         303.21   3        
400         404.87   2        
500         502.79   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
70        CTD_cast                  19        5         20070816       1238      23.215    -159.136  4830        primary_prod_cast                    
depth       press    bot      
5           5        24       
5           5        23       
5           5        22       
25          25       21       
25          26       20       
25          26       19       
45          46       18       
45          45       17       
45          45       16       
75          76       15       
75          75       14       
75          75       13       
100         100      12       
100         100      11       
100         100      10       
125         126      9        
125         125      8        
125         126      7        
150         151      6        
150         150      5        
175         176      4        
175         176      3        
200         201      2        
200         201      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
71        CTD_cast                  19        6         20070816       1402      23.215    -159.136  4828        mixing_experiment                    
depth       press    bot      
75          76       24       
75          75       23       
75          75       22       
75          77       21       
75          75       20       
75          76       19       
75          76       18       
75          77       17       
75          77       16       
75          76       15       
75          76       14       
75          76       13       
75          77       12       
75          76       11       
75          75       10       
75          75       9        
75          76       8        
75          77       7        
75          77       6        
75          77       5        
75          76       4        
75          75       3        
700         708      2        
700         705      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
72        primary_prod_array        19        nd        20070816       1535      23.217    -159.136  nd          deployment_array_2                   
depth       press    bot      
5           nd       nd       
25          nd       nd       
45          nd       nd       
75          nd       nd       
100         nd       nd       
125         nd       nd       
150         nd       nd       
175         nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
73        CTD_cast                  19        7         20070816       1616      23.213    -159.137  4828        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5        24       
5           5        23       
25          27       22       
25          27       21       
25          27       20       
25          27       19       
25          27       18       
25          27       17       
25          27       16       
25          27       15       
25          27       14       
25          27       13       
45          47       12       
45          47       11       
75          77       10       
75          76       9        
100         101      8        
100         100      7        
125         126      6        
125         125      5        
150         150      4        
150         150      3        
200         200      2        
200         201      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
74        CTD_cast                  19        8         20070816       1801      23.214    -159.137  4828        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.3      16       
25          26.1     15       
45          45.1     14       
55          55.3     13       
60          60.7     12       
75          74.2     11       
100         100.4    10       
125         126.2    9        
125         124.9    8        
150         150.4    7        
150         150.8    6        
175         175.8    5        
175         175.3    4        
200         201.3    3        
250         252.8    2        
300         300      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
75        CTD_cast                  19        9         20070816       1915      23.214    -159.136  4824        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.5      14       
5           6.3      13       
25          24.9     12       
25          25.5     11       
25          26.5     10       
45          45.8     9        
45          44.9     8        
75          74.1     7        
100         100.9    6        
125         125.7    5        
150         150.3    4        
300         301.5    3        
300         302.1    2        
500         503.1    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
76        CTD_cast                  19        10        20070816       2047      23.214    -159.145  4831        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           4.9      24       
5           4.3      23       
5           5.0      22       
25          26.3     21       
25          25.1     20       
25          25.5     19       
45          45.2     18       
45          44.3     17       
45          44.4     16       
75          75.8     15       
75          75.1     14       
100         101.4    13       
100         102.2    12       
125         126.4    11       
125         126.8    10       
150         150.8    9        
150         152.7    8        
150         150.5    7        
175         175.3    6        
175         176.7    5        
175         176.3    4        
200         201.9    3        
200         202.2    2        
200         200.6    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
77        cyanocage_optics_cast     19        nd        20070816       2200      23.214    -159.144  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
78        net_tow                   19        nd        20070816       2305      23.214    -159.144  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
79        CTD_cast                  19        11        20070817       0005      23.218    -159.177  4829        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           4.1      24       
5           4.6      23       
5           4.2      22       
25          25.6     21       
25          25.0     20       
25          25.5     19       
35          35.0     18       
45          45.4     17       
45          45.6     16       
60          60.2     15       
75          76.2     14       
75          75.2     13       
100         100.5    12       
100         101.9    11       
125         124.7    10       
125         125.1    9        
125         124.8    8        
150         150.2    7        
150         150.5    6        
175         174.8    5        
200         201.1    4        
200         200.9    3        
500         502.1    2        
500         503.7    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
80        primary_prod_array        19        nd        20070817       0450      23.218    -159.286  nd          recovery_array_2                     
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
81        CTD_cast                  19        12        20070817       0637      23.217    -159.178  4837        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           7.09     24       
5           7.47     23       
25          23.06    22       
25          23.66    21       
45          46.13    20       
45          46.13    19       
60          60.55    18       
60          59.94    17       
75          75.16    16       
75          74.55    15       
85          85.09    14       
85          85.61    13       
100         99.85    12       
100         100.13   11       
115         115.19   10       
125         124.67   9        
150         150.00   8        
150         150.04   7        
175         176.39   6        
175         175.78   5        
200         201.19   4        
200         200.49   3        
250         251.15   2        
300         300.57   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
82        CTD_cast                  19        13        20070817       0815      23.218    -159.177  4825        mixing_experiment                    
depth       press    bot      
45          44.93    24       
45          45.55    23       
45          45.12    22       
45          45.81    21       
45          45.93    20       
45          46.17    19       
45          46.54    18       
45          45.56    17       
45          46.04    16       
45          45.47    15       
45          46.81    14       
45          45.38    13       
45          46.05    12       
45          45.57    11       
45          46.15    10       
45          45.82    9        
45          45.97    8        
45          44.93    7        
45          45.22    6        
45          45.49    5        
45          45.64    4        
200         200.43   3        
300         301.78   2        
500         502.80   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
83        CTD_cast                  19        14        20070817       1237      23.213    -159.178  4828        gas_array_cast                       
depth       press    bot      
5           5        24       
5           5        23       
5           5        22       
5           5        21       
25          25       20       
25          25       19       
25          24       18       
25          25       17       
45          45       16       
45          45       15       
45          44       14       
45          44       13       
75          75       12       
75          75       11       
75          75       10       
75          75       9        
100         101      8        
100         100      7        
100         101      6        
100         100      5        
125         125      4        
125         125      3        
125         125      2        
125         125      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
84        gas_array                 19        nd        20070817       1608      23.180    -159.277  nd          deployment_array_2                   
depth       press    bot      
5           nd       nd       
25          nd       nd       
45          nd       nd       
75          nd       nd       
100         nd       nd       
125         nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
85        CTD_cast                  19        15        20070817       1701      23.172    -159.286  4847        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5        16       
25          25       15       
45          45       14       
55          55       13       
60          60       12       
75          75       11       
100         100      10       
125         125      9        
125         125      8        
150         151      7        
150         150      6        
175         176      5        
175         175      4        
200         201      3        
250         252      2        
300         301      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
86        CTD_cast                  19        16        20070817       1853      23.169    -159.297  4850        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           4.95     22       
5           5.7      21       
25          25.3     20       
25          25.2     19       
45          47.0     18       
45          45.2     17       
60          60.3     16       
75          75.4     15       
75          74.4     14       
100         101.0    13       
100         100.1    12       
125         126.6    11       
125         126.4    10       
150         151.3    9        
150         150.2    8        
175         176.3    7        
200         201.2    6        
300         302.7    5        
300         303.3    4        
850         856.0    3        
1000        1008     2        
1000        1009     1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
87        cyanocage_optics_cast     19        nd        20070817       2228      23.169    -159.297  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
88        CTD_cast                  19        17        20070817       2330      23.164    -159.332  4851        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           6.1      19       
5           6.8      18       
5           6.5      17       
25          24.5     16       
25          25.0     15       
25          25.0     14       
25          24.9     13       
45          45.5     12       
45          45.3     11       
75          75.6     10       
75          75.4     9        
75          75.7     8        
75          75.3     7        
100         100.1    6        
125         125.6    5        
125         125.8    4        
150         151.9    3        
200         200.9    2        
500         503.2    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
89        CTD_cast                  19        18        20070818       0305      23.171    -159.398  4863        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.36     23       
25          25.49    22       
25          25.58    21       
25          25.26    20       
45          45.23    19       
45          45.22    18       
45          44.98    17       
75          74.85    16       
100         100.24   15       
125         126.82   14       
125         126.25   13       
250         251.74   12       
250         252.07   11       
250         251.36   10       
250         251.46   9        
250         251.88   8        
250         252.51   7        
250         251.55   6        
250         251.84   5        
250         251.84   4        
250         251.79   3        
250         251.32   2        
250         251.64   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
90        net_tow                   19        nd        20070818       0445      23.171    -159.398  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
91        CTD_cast                  19        19        20070818       0540      23.156    -159.426  4866        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           7.37     19       
25          25.63    18       
45          45.13    17       
55          55.41    16       
65          65.40    15       
75          75.03    14       
100         100.22   13       
125         124.69   12       
125         124.31   11       
125         124.30   10       
125         125.50   9        
125         124.85   8        
150         150.12   7        
175         175.72   6        
200         201.46   5        
250         251.91   4        
300         300.71   3        
1000        1009.10  2        
1000        1008.20  1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
92        gas_array                 19        nd        20070818       1600      23.108    -159.559  nd          recovery_array_2                     
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
93        CTD_cast                  19        20        20070818       1712      23.108    -159.609  4886        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           6.2      14       
5           5.5      13       
25          25.1     12       
45          44.7     11       
55          55.7     10       
65          64.7     9        
75          75.8     8        
100         100.44   7        
125         125.69   6        
150         151.02   5        
175         175.16   4        
200         200      3        
250         250      2        
300         300      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
94        CTD_cast                  19        21        20070818       1834      23.106    -159.620  4886        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
25          26.3     6        
45          45.5     5        
45          45.2     4        
75          75.2     3        
75          75.5     2        
300         302      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
95        cyanocage_optics_cast     19        nd        20070818       1915      23.106    -159.619  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
96        CTD_cast                  19        22        20070818       2010      23.106    -159.619  4887        nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
5           5.0      19       
5           5.1      18       
15          15.6     17       
15          15.49    16       
25          25.4     15       
45          45.3     14       
45          48.8     13       
45          45.3     12       
45          45.2     11       
45          45.5     10       
75          74.7     9        
75          75.2     8        
100         99.8     7        
125         125.6    6        
150         150.3    5        
300         302.0    4        
300         302.4    3        
1000        1008     2        
1000        1008     1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
97        sediment_trap_array       19        nd        20070818       2250      23.073    -159.651  nd          recovery_array_1                     
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd       
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
98        cyanocage_optics_cast     19        nd        20070818       2310      23.073    -159.651  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd